String Theory: Charleston Magazine profiles Yuriy Bekker

Your Journey to a Fulfilling Life

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Meet the beloved violinist and hear him play a priceless 17th-century instrument.

The 1638 ‘ex-Degen’ Andrea Guarneri violin has felt the caress of numerous practiced hands over the centuries, producing the notes of many a virtuoso, including Swiss violinist Franz Degen. Yet if this celebrated instrument could speak, it might reserve the highest regard for its current maestro and caretaker, Yuriy Bekker, a musician who blends world-class artistry with an uncommon humility.

Concertmaster, artistic director, and principal pops conductor of the Charleston Symphony Orchestra (CSO), Bekker is also a global ambassador for the Holy City. Colleagues, friends, and concertgoers regard him among the most important and respected figures of the local arts community. “I am so grateful for everything life has given me. It’s been extraordinary,” says Bekker, an ebullient 42. “My personality I owe to my mother, Selima, who died when I was 15. She was an educator, a teacher of Russian languages, and a very warm and kind person.

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Concertmaster And Artistic Director Yuriy Bekker Leads The Nearly 90-Year-Old Charleston Symphony Orchestra Into A New Era Of Musicianship And Growth”

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